(<Back) OsciPlaski's stats

Combined rank #20 (664 points) 33 + 34 + 19 + 66 + 39 + 14 + 38 + 28 + 10 + 106 + 29 + 24 + 14 + 18 + 66 + 7 + 39 + 14 + 38 + 28 +
Nr Time ago Dps Class
1. 69151
2. 105827
3. 62969
4. 77554
5. 62936
6. New PB! 79654
7. 68897
8. 102239
9. New PB! 18185
10. 103692
11. New PB! 6598
12. New PB! 40750
13. New PB! 17289
14. 15467
15. New PB! 16583
16. 15960
17. New PB! 16364
18. New PB! 15556
19. New PB! 14325
20. 64590
21. 66355
22. New PB! 70590
23. New PB! 106240
24. 54581
25. New PB! 69126
26. New PB! 60327
27. New PB! 56471
28. New PB! 67899
29. New PB! 62953
30. 91342
31. New PB! 60104
32. 93000
33. New PB! 7007
34. New PB! 62819
35. New PB! 40436
36. New PB! 100730
37. 59910
38. 96957
39. 94923
40. 96661
41. 90482
42. 50922
43. New PB! 60962
44. New PB! 57310
45. 91188
46. 91056
47. New PB! 98642
48. 88671
49. 87554
50. New PB! 94749

The Unofficial OrbusVR global leaderboards

Sooo what is this? This is the global unofficial leaderboard for the game OrbusVR. Here the highest dps is shown of everyone who used the "Challenge" feature of dps parser Cindy. On this page you can find more in-depth info about it.


What is Cindy?
Cindy is the dps measuring program for the game OrbusVR. It is made by the community member Scott.

So what do I need to do to get on the leaderboard?
If you play OrbusVR on a PC, what you can do is: You download the program Cindy. From there you go to the "Challenge" view. Then you have to fight the dummy in the player house for a long time. And if everything went well, then your score gets submitted to the leaderboards automomatically.

I play on a Quest (or Quest 2), can I also be part of the leaderboards?
No/Yes. If you play on a Quest, OrbusVR does not support combat parsing. Which means there is no way of telling what your dps is when your alone in the Player House. If you connect your Quest to an PC with the Link Cable/Airlink, then you can just like any normal PC user parse your dps and get a score on the global leaderboard.

How long do I have to fight the dummy?
You have to fight it for about about 2 minutes and 30 seconds. You will hear a confirm sound when your done.

Can i restart the Challenge if I mess up mid fight?
Yes you can. As long as the score has not been submitted yet, you can stop fighting the dummy. After waiting about 10 seconds you can restart.

How does the all classes combined leaderboard ranking work?
It adds your rank on all 8 classes together to give you a combined rank. A lower score is better. If you have not submit a score at all for a class, this this will give you the lowest possible rank on that class. For a really simple example. Lets say someone is rank number one on 6 classes. And number two on 2 classes. 1+1+1+1+1+1+2+2=10. Your combined rank will be 10.

The dps parser Cindy has its own discord. In there you can keep track of when you need to download a new version of Cindy. You can also report bugs in there and download the program from there.

Link to Discord server of Cindy

If you prefer to download it directly, below you can download the latest version of Cindy (Reminder: Orbus only allows PC users to parse their dps):

Download link Cindy